Saturday, 29 September 2012

Gregory Crewsdon 

Gregory Crewsdon's photographs  always tell a story to the viewer, his photographs are made with the intention of keeping the viewer interested and asking questions as to what is actually happening, he wants to grab their attention and keep it, as all his images have a story to tell.

"I have been interested in taking that limitation and trying to find the strength in it - like a story that is forever frozen in between moments, before and after always left as a kind of unresolved question." -  Gregory Crewsdon (Art Photography Now, Susan Bright).

Crewsdon takes areas around the city and makes them places of strange, bizarre and sometimes unexplainable happenings. His intention is to show the odd things that you would think about happening as it starts to go dark - twilight. Us as the viewers of his photographs are made to feel a bit shocked about what is happening within his photographs.

"It is as if the lid has been lifted to expose the fantasies and anxieties of those living there" - Art Photographs Now, Susan Bright.

Bright wrote that Crewsdon is seen as 'The sinister and seething underbelly of suburbia' for artists.

"I'm very interested in the uncanny and a way of looking terrible within everyday life" -  Gregory Crewsdon.

"lights are being rigged, props are being positioned and actors are taking their places. It looks like a movie, sounds like a movie and smells like a movie, but it isn't. All of this activity is to make a single photograph, by Gregory Crewdson"-

His images take a lot of planning and setting up, nothing happens quickly and lots of time has been taken to make sure everything is correct before he captures the images he needs. Even after the photographs have been taken Crewsdon still has work to do through post production, simply to ensure that everything is perfect and the message he wants the viewer to see is visible.

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