Tuesday, 25 September 2012



a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
- a book, literary work, etc., containing such a story.


Linear narrative - is used in films and books amongst other sources. It is where events are portrayed and told in chronological order so that everything flows from the beginning of the story to the end, with everything being in the correct order.

Non linear narrative - where the story doesn't flow in order, such as the end of the film being determined before the middle of the film, the story line is mixed up. Partly by allowing the viewer to have their own decision of how it goes, as well as it being a good way for the audience to understand what is going on.

Circular narrative -  this is where the story goes round in a circle, it starts and ends in the same place, taking the viewer on a journey, and beginning them right back to the point where they started.

I also came across this slide show that explains linear and non linear narrative a bit more http://www.slideshare.net/Dreamer89/nonlinear-narrative-5595473


 Open structure - where you are being left to wonder and come to your own conclusions as to what has happened as the story has been left wide open.

Closed structure - where the structure of the story is definable straight from the start, knowing what direction it is going in. 

Tableau and Tableau Vivant

 Tableau - is a form of narrative that is constructed and shown within one single image.

Tableau Vivant - French for 'living picture'. It is where a group of people, such as costumed actors or artist models and people who work in theater pose for an image that portrays a strong message and meaning the the viewer, allowing the narrative to be defined through the people within the image.

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