Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Level 5 - first assignments

Today was my first day as a second year, we've been set two exiting and interesting assignments focusing on narrative!

The first assignment is sort of like a game of Chinese whispers where images are sent from one student to another, giving our own interpretation whether it be our own or another photographers image and then sending it on the the next person, creating an interesting story as it goes from person to person. I wont receive the image from the person who is before me until the 18th of October, when I will have until mid day on the 19th to send my chosen image of the the next person on the list.

For the second assignment I was given an image that was taped to the bottom of my chair in an envelope, with that image I have to produce a circular narrative were that image is both the beginning and end of my narrative.

I've never really been interested in narrative before so I'm quite intrigued to see what direction every things going to go in.

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